Wow, what can I say. We definitely finished the year on a high note.
Sports day proved a fun day for all family members. Siblings, parents and grandparents helped in the welly throwing, egg and spoon, sack race, wheelbarrow race, lawnmower race, horse race, dressing up race, sprint race and tug of war.
Abbotsbury Explorers last visit this summer ended with the children feeding the swans at Abbotsbury Swannery. Watching the children’s faces as they threw food to the swans was a special moment.
Due to the weather the leavers party was held in the hall, not the allotments as planned. Despite this the children still took part in many forest school activities including peeling carrots, hammering nails into potatoes, smashing weetabix with mallets, eating pizza and toasting marshmallows before saying goodbye to six children moving on to school in September.