Lots of colourful creativity occurred this week. Decorating the bags for Candle on the Hill, painting poppies for Remembrance Day, Firework chalk pictures and tissue paper collage.
On a cheeky visit to Muddy Patches Wednesday we had a leisurely stroll around the fairy garden and came away with some lovely goodies.
Thursday afternoon we walked to the railway track to find some sticks for our dinosaur tray, and obviously found lots of muddy puddles to splash in.
Decorating bags for Candles on the Hill Decorating bags for Candles on the Hill Decorating bags for Candles on the Hill Decorating bags for Candles on the Hill Painting poppies Tissue paper collage Firework chalk pictures Muddy patches visit Muddy patches visit Muddy patches visit Muddy patches visit Finding fungi Muddy puddles Finding sticks